Homerecording, Homeschraddeling, Homeschnippeling. Die Swipes nutzen die Isolationszeit zuhause und haben einen neuen Song geschrieben. Über Corona, das merkwürdige Leben und Toilettenpapier. Und weil das so gut geklappt hat, gibt’s auch gleich noch ein Video dazu.

1000 Dank an Miriam für klasse Vocals!

THE SWIPES – Isolation World


Isolation world, what you gonna do to stay heathy?

Your concept of interacts deathly.

Isolation world, will you start to think about transformation?

Or are speculators our ticket to damnation?

Ideas are going viral.

Call it lies for survival.

So stay the fuck at home.

You better do, do, do, do!

Nightmares are going viral.

It’s the price for survival.      

Pray to don’t die at home.

Avoid the queue, queue, queue, queue!

Isolation world, I hope you agree that it’s time to rethink?

Did you hear the news? Or do you need another shocking link?

Isolation world, money won’t give you your beloved protection.

A dream of toilet paper and of disinfection.   

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